Join open chats with unlimited participants and vote in polls about your favorite topics.
Talk in Shootr about TV shows, football, concerts, hobbies and events with your friends and people who share your passions. Join chats about Operación Triunfo (OT), Tu cara me suena, First Dates, running, music, cinema, memes… Or stay one step ahead with news from official magazines like Elle, Mundo Deportivo, As, Sport, Muy Interesante, MotoGp, Diez Minutos, and loads more.
PD: Remember! it’s Shootr, not Shooter :)
Bergabung chatting terbuka dengan peserta terbatas dan memberikan suara dalam jajak pendapat tentang topik favorit Anda.
Bicara dalam Shootr tentang acara TV, sepak bola, konser, hobi dan acara dengan teman-teman Anda dan orang-orang yang memiliki gairah hidup Anda. Bergabung chatting tentang Operacion Triunfo (OT), Tu Cara saya Suena, Tanggal Pertama, berjalan, musik, film, meme ... Atau tinggal satu langkah di depan dengan berita dari majalah resmi seperti Elle, Mundo Deportivo, As, Sport, Muy Interesante, MotoGP, Diez Minutos, dan beban lebih.
PD: Ingat! itu Shootr, bukan penembak :)
Join open chats with unlimited participants and vote in polls about your favorite topics.
Talk in Shootr about TV shows, football, concerts, hobbies and events with your friends and people who share your passions. Join chats about Operación Triunfo (OT), Tu cara me suena, First Dates, running, music, cinema, memes… Or stay one step ahead with news from official magazines like Elle, Mundo Deportivo, As, Sport, Muy Interesante, MotoGp, Diez Minutos, and loads more.
PD: Remember! it’s Shootr, not Shooter :)